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narratives (en) > last existence (en) > predication (en) > taming of the elephant (en)

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  • The story tells of one of the many attempts of the jealous Devadatta to kill his cousin the Buddha. One day, when the Buddha was in Rājagṛha, Devadatta releases a mad elephant to harm the Blessed One. The animal rushes against the Buddha but its fury is contained by his loving-kindness. Caressing the forehead of the elephant with a calming hand, the Buddha pacifies the animal.


  • 2461743327

In other languages

  • English

  • Source: Kucha Project

    elephant dhanapāla
  • Source: Kucha Project

    elephant nalagiri
  • submission of the elephant nāḷāgiri
  • Italian

  • sottomissione dell'elefante nāḷāgiri


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